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Custom Designed Gourmet Blends from Coffees Sourced around the World
Our Secret Blend of Central & South American Coffees that is sure to satisfy any coffee enthusiast
An Eclectic Blend of African Coffees that is sure to satisfy your craving for something more!
A dark robust blend of coffees from around the world
Our Custom Blend of Coffees roasted to just the right temperature to satisfy your dark roasted coffee tastes
A blend of African and South American Coffees to produce a richly aromatic, strong, bodied coffee
Our Coffees are inspected and graded to be the best from all over the World!
Brazil Yellow Bourbon Santos is a medium-light roast that yields a lowly acidic and light-bodied brew. Fruity flavors are carried over into the beans through a natural process, permeating the air with a pleasant aroma, this Brazilian coffee is one of South America's premium coffees.
From the Central Valley of Colombia, these wet-processed Arabica beans provide a smoothly balanced body with acidic brightness, filling your cup with rich coffee flavors that are lightly sweet. With excellent balance, this Colombian coffee offers a clean-tasting cup free of defects.
Cultivated and wet-processed in the region of Tarrazu, these Caturra varietals are certified SHB (strictly hard bean), which indicates these coffee beans are grown at high altitudes. Medium-roasted, Costa Rica Reserve beans brew into a medium-bodied coffee that is rich in chocolaty-caramel notes. This coffee produces a cup that is winy with high acidity and a sharp finish.
Hand picked cream of the crop is Ethiopian Yirgacheffe which is virtually unknown by most people, yet still considered by many to be the finest Ethiopian coffee. This intense feeling coffee enhances the palate with its very distinctive floral bouqet, rich body, a pleasingly fragrant aroma, with a smooth mellowness that's unique unto itself.
This high-grown Antigua coffee is roasted to a light-medium state, usually right before the second crack stage. Guatemala Antigua has a full body of flavor that is heavier than other Central American coffees. With a spicy twinge, this unique Guatemalan coffee proves velvety-rich in texture and aftertaste.
Kenya coffees are celebrated for their deep, winy acidity, resonant cup presence, and complex fruit and berry tones. Of the world's great coffees, Kenyan probably is the most consistent in quality and most widely available.
The best Mexico coffees (Oaxaca Pluma, Coatepec, Chiapas) are distinguished by a light body and a delicate, pleasant acidity. Highland Chiapas coffees can be bigger and more richly acidy.
Single-origin coffee from the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Most high-quality Sumatra coffee is grown either near Lake Toba (Mandheling, Lintong) or in Aceh Province, near Lake Biwa (Aceh, Gayo Mountain). Distinguished by full body, deep, expansive flavor, and a low-toned, vibrant acidity.
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Branson Bean Coffee
PO Box 1404, Branson, Missouri, 65615 United States of America
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